Paris Climate deal paves the way for a better world to live in!

This deal is a major breakthrough in history as it shows the makeshift change in the attitude of developed countries towards global environment. They have also acknowledged their responsibility and role towards developing world. Now, it seems that each one appreciates the objective of this climate summit.
Most of the developed and developing nations have been submitting their voluntary plans to the United Nations since 2014, as proactive measures. However, the implementation of the plan totally depends upon the awareness and attitude of residents.
A summary of the climate pledge by various countries:
·      The United States has promised to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 26 percent below 2005 levels by 2025, with the help of Clean Power Plan for decarbonizing power plants.
·      The European Union has ensured to cut emissions 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030.
·      China has asserted that its emanations will be highest in 2030 and will work out for approximately 20 percent electricity from carbon-free sources by then.
·      Brazil had assured to decrease emissions by 37 percent beneath 2005 levels by 2025. It will put emphasis on reduction of illegal deforestation in the Amazon.
Thus, we have already received a very good response from most of the countries of the world. Yet a lot more has come up in the 31 page Climate deal concluded after two weeks of bilateral and multilateral talks amongst 195 participating nations.
Let’s have snapshot of what we have got:
  • Pledge for below 2°C Global Warming: Because of huge amount of Greenhouse gas emission, the Earth has already warmed around 1°C since pre-industrial era. So, keeping the temperature about 1.5°C will be a great accomplishment if implemented well!
  • Peak emission and zero emission goals set:
Greenhouse gas emission will meet its pinnacle around 2030 or later. And, the next objective is to acquire zero emission by century’s second half.
  • Review of plan after every five years:
In the current scenario, it doesn’t seem possible to find the way to only 1.5°C increase in global warming till the approx. peak emission timeline of 2030. So, it’s very important to review the plan and motivate the countries for stronger actions against pollution.
  • $100 billion financing per year for developing and poor countries:
Developing nations require enough funds to adopt clean energy sources. A lot more has to be done to minimize the climate change impact, such as floods, storms, see-level rise, etc. The latest example is recent floods in Tamil Nadu state of India.  
Although, the Paris Climate deal is a landmark in history, a lot more has to be done to compensate the loss and damage to the poor nations. Rich countries must realize their mistake and follow the transparency and monitoring measures, such that the Greenhouse gas emission is actually cut on ground level.
The Spiritual Leader Sri Sri Ravishankar says,” I appreciate the historic Paris Agreement by 195 countries at the Paris Climate Change Conference 2015. I hope they take it seriously and sincerely implement it. For the Paris Agreement to be successful innovation must be encouraged, rampant corruption checked and implementation review must be yearly.
Henceforth, We must learn from recent example of Beijing where people have to wear mask due to high level of pollution in the air. And, we must implement the Climate deal seriously for now and future generations.


I am a Journalist. I am writing for 5 years. I write stories, poems,lyrics and rhymes. I write in hindi and english both. i worked as an anchor, reporter for tv channels. best wishes, shruty

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