Every glittering city has some sparkling stars, some fireflies, a sun which seems brighter there and a beautiful enchanting moon। Yesterday, I was surprised to see the moonlight getting dominated by some other artificial light! It seemed as if the moon had come down on the earth? When I reached near to that place, I saw a big mall with showers of glimmering colourful lights with neon sign decorated in the best possible fashion. I wondered, whether these malls have become a tourist place for people. Most of the masses of the ever increasing populated city just go there for a stroll and some men and women can be seen there leaning under the weight of the big showroom bags in their hands and their eyes searching for 'On Sale' boards. These heavenly persons rarely put their feet on the ground. As they do so, they slip down and their reality comes in front of them as a ghost. To run away from this bitter truth we make many ways out to be lost in the world of glamour and light .We want to forget everything that tells us about our duty and drives us towards humanity. We become escapists. We are deviated from the aim of our life .We are lost. The whole world runs for money. Money is supreme. Nothing can beat money. Apna Sapna Money Money , Every story starts at money and ends at money. Money has woven such a strong web cob around it that everyone feels trapped. We work hard like donkeys for it. We don’t care to eat, drink or even to sleep. Result is good. We get a lot of money but we don’t know what really we want from this. We just run to fulfill all our wishes at a stretch and on the way, we forget that wishes can never come to an end. Big malls are the most favorite place for all the unfulfilled wishes. Big malls with big showrooms, cinemas and restaurants are heaven on earth! We get heaven at the cost of money and again start working for money to get more heavenly time. The world has shrunken. The way from home to office, office to home, and again home to mall is not that difficult. It is easy. Money is earned to spend. We wonder why nowadays people are more desperate and heartbroken when they are receiving heavenly bliss on earth. It looks like Maybe after some days, months or years God will also start living at malls. When all His disciples are here, why would God sit at home and shed tears for them. He is God and has some brain. So he still feels better at a poor man’s house for peace and harmony, love and affection. Another set of statistics now, an emerging metro that is Noida, one of the fastest developing cities, more than half a million population, there are schools and hospitals at every nook and corner, there are malls coming up at every corner. But someone has forgotten about more better things like library which is a very important source of knowledge. Books play the most important life in moulding one's life. Its a very sorry state of affairs that for such a heavy population we have one single library which is unfortunately not so known. Aint we supposed to teach our future kids about the essence of learning? we are so much preoccupied with the money making matters, that we throw our kids to the hands of people whose sole aim is to make money from junk food, expensive cineplexes, expensive designer clothes, latest mobiles and other electronic gadgets. These are able to attract the kids more than their own parents do. India is developing and at the current pace it may synchronize with developed countries soon, but at the same time, the value system in the future kids are fast deteriorating. Its peak pime that we relook into inculcating more value systems in the future kids before its too late and we find ourselves "Home Alone" waiting for our offsprings to grab out some time for their parents.